System der Lebewesen (Stefan Hintsche 2013)




Boreoeutheria > Laurasiatheria > Scrotifera > Volitantia >  Chiroptera > Vespertilioniformes > Yangochiroptera > Emballonuroidea > Nycteridae






Familia Nycteridae Hoeven, 1855 (Familie Schlitznasen):

-          16 Arten


Genus Nycteris Cuvier & É. Geoffroy, 1795 (Gattung Eigentliche Schlitznasen):

-          16 Arten




Laurasiatheria > Scrotifera > Volitantia >  Chiroptera > Vespertilioniformes > Yangochiroptera > Emballonuroidea > Nycteridae > Nycteris








Nycteris javanica








Nycteris tragata







Nycteris arge







Nycteris intermedia






Nycteris major








Nycteris nana






Nycteris aurita







Nycteris grandis







Nycteris hispida







Nycteris gambiensis







Nycteris madagascariensis







Nycteris thebaica








Nycteris macrotis








Nycteris parisii








Nycteris vinsoni







Nycteris woodi







Genus Nycteris Cuvier & É. Geoffroy, 1795 (Gattung Eigentliche Schlitznasen):

-          16 Arten


Nycteris javanica É. Geoffroy, 1813 (Java-Schlitznase/Javan Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris tragata (Andersen, 1912) (Malaiische Schlitznase/Malaysian Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris arge Thomas, 1903 (Bate-Schlitznase/Bate’s Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris intermedia Allen, 1959 (Mittlere Schlitznase/Intermediate Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris major (Andersen, 1912) (Dja-Schlitznase/Ja Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris nana (Andersen, 1912) (Zwergschlitznase/Dwarf Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris aurita Andersen, 1912 (Andersen-Schlitznase/Andersen’s Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris grandis Peters, 1865 (Große Schlitznase/Large Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris hispida (Schreber, 1775) (Behaarte Schlitznase/Hairy Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris gambiensis (Andersen, 1912) (Gambia-Schlitznase/Gambian Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris madagascariensis G. Grandidier, 1937 (Madagaskar-Schlitznase/Madagascar Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris thebaica É. Geoffroy, 1818 (Ägyptische Schlitznase/Egyptian Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris macrotis Dobson, 1876 (Großohr-Schlitznase/Large-eared Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris parisii de Beaux, 1923 (Parisi-Schlitznase/Parisi’s Slit-faced Bat):

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Nycteris vinsoni Dalquest, 1965 (Mosambik-Schlitznase/Vinson’s Slit-faced Bat):

-          Bestand: Daten defizitär


Nycteris woodi Andersen, 1914 (Wood-Schlitznase/Wood’s Slit-faced Bat):

-          Bestand: nicht gefährdet





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3)      Goodman, S. M., Cardiff, S. G., Ranivo, J., Russell, A. L. & Yoder, A. D. (2006). A new species of Emballonura (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from the dry regions of Madagascar. American Museum Novitates 3538: 1-24.

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9)      Lim, B. K. & Dunlop, J. M. (2008). Evolutionary patterns of morphology and behavior as inferred from a molecular phylogeny of new world emballonurid bats (tribe Diclidurini). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 15 (2): 79-121.

10)  Lim, B. K., Engstrom, M. D., Bickham, J. W. & Patton, J. C. (2008). Molecular phylogeny of New World sheath-tailed bats (Emballonuridae: Diclidurini) based on loci from the four genetic transmission systems in mammals. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93 (1): 189-209.

11)  Lim, B. K., Engstrom, M. D., Reid, F. A., Simmons, N. B., Voss, R. S. & Fleck, D. W. (2010). A new species of Peropteryx (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from western Amazonia with comments on phylogenetic relationships within the genus. American Museum Novitates 3686: 1-20.

12)  Mickoleit, Gerhard (2004). Phylogenetische Systematik der Wirbeltiere. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München.

13)  Murphy, W. J., Pringle, T. H., Crider, T. A., Springer, M. S. & Miller, W. (2007). Using genomic data to unravel the root of the placental mammal phylogeny. Genome Research 17: 413-421.

14)  Nowak, R. M. (1994). Walker’s Bats of the World. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

15)  Prasad, A. B., Allard, M. W. & Green, E. D. (2008). Confirming the phylogeny of mammals by use of large comparative sequence data sets. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (9): 1795-1808.

16)  Ruedi, M., Friedli-Weyeneth, N., Teeling, E. C., Puechmaille, S. J. & Goodman, S. M. (2012). Biogeography of old world emballonurine bats (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) inferred with mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64 (1): 204-211.

17)  Simmons, N. B. (2005). An Eocene big bang for bats. Science 307 (5709): 527-528.

18)  Westheide, W. & Rieger, R. (Hrsg.) (2010). Spezielle Zoologie Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere – 2. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg.




